
Density ? g/cm3
Mass ? g
Surface area ? cm2
Time to burn ?


Density ? g/cm3
Mass ? g
Surface area ? cm2
Time to burn ?
Toggle Steel
Click to pick up the match and drag it across the material (wood or steel) to observe whether it's flammable and the relative rate at which it burns.

The object on the left is a reference, but the object on the right can be adjusted by changing the slider underneath it. Dragging the slider will result in sending the object through either a woodchipper or steel extruder.

Refer to the tables underneath the objects for information including their density, mass, and surface area.

Note: The time taken to burn in the simulation differs from the estimated time that would be taken in reality. (The "real life" time can be found in the table.)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Produced through the efforts of Brooke Bullek in June 2017.

Address any questions to Dr. Margot Vigeant, Bucknell University Department of Chemical Engineering